Objective Type Questions and Multiple Choice Questions require a specific answer and you can easily grab FULL MARKS! So as you know CBSE has recently decided to bring in the ‘Objective Criterion’, 10th class students are in the hunt for the best and the latest CBSE based OTQ books. Here, Together with Objective Type Questions, which is available for all subjects of Class 10 would help them a lot to get the best OTQ practice material wherein they would get abundant questions based on their subject, like Science MCQ class 10 and likewise.
A very common question among class 10 students appearing for the board exams this year is, ‘Why OTQs are so important for the board exams?’ Let’s check out the possible answers to this.
Folks, as you all know that everyone has been struggling through this worldwide ongoing pandemic condition, it is absolutely wise step taken by the CBSE to help the struggling students who’ve been trying their best to score 100% marks even under such an outside (pandemic!!) and inside (psychological) pressure. For this, you must keep on practicing through the latest Together with Objective Type Questions so that you are well-trained in answering such quick and scoring questions that might come in any form (not yet very clear).
May it be Social Science MCQ for class 10, Science MCQ for class 10 or any other OTQ, such questions have only one correct answer. Hence, there would be no difference of opinion & different scoring expected by different examiners, thereby keeping all students in an entirely safe zone. To be clearer, it hardly matters who is assessing your answer sheet, you will get full marks for the correct answers. On the contrary, an examiner’s point of view may differ from others in the subjective type questions, which is usually reflected in every individual’s marks. That’s why OTQ formula is much appreciated: Right is Right, Wrong is Wrong!
Types of Objective Type Questions in CBSE
Multiple Choice Questions: They are the most common objective type questions. In these, every question carries four options and you have to tick/select the correct one. Remember, there is only one correct option out of the four. You would know the tactic to answer such MCQS thoroughly with the help of the latest Together with Objective Type Questions.
Fill in the Blanks: It’s taught in early classes in school, hence is very much known to everyone. Students get some sentences with one/two blanks wherein they have to fill the most suitable word/s. At times, you get hint options and at times, you don’t. Buy the latest Together with Objective Type Questions & be an expert in answering them in the upcoming assessments!
True/False: Very much identifiable by its name, you have to write True or False in front of every given statement. Although they’re less likely to come in the CBSE higher classes, yet you must know how to attempt such questions.
Match the columns: So here you get two columns facing each other. You need to match the fact of one column with the matching fact of the other column. Simple yet confusing if not enough practice is given to such type of questions…so keep practicing them!
One-word questions: No, no. the question here is not of one word; the answer has to be in one word or a single term. Very much included in the CBSE class 10 syllabus this year, you can be a master of such questions if you do not stop the regular practice of Together with Objective Type Questions.
Buy the latest Together with Objective Type Questions for Class 10 and become a rising star in the upcoming board exams. Let this pandemic do not be a barrier in your educational success anyhow. Visit rachnasagar.in & ORDER NOW...Available in amazing COMBOS too!!
Good luck!