As a student you must have encountered the situations when you put in a lot of efforts however the results seems less satisfactory. We need to give a lot of efforts to bridge the gap between our wish and its fulfillment. Similarly, when a student aspires to achieve good result in CBSE Board Exams 2024, he/she has to put in a lot of effort while preparing for the exam. There are various components associated to strategic study schedule.
Students usually make some common mistakes while studying that disrupts the entire preparation strategy. Go through the following points, to be avoided while studying in order to achieve celebratory success:
We see it happening a lot of times that your estimated score do not match the score obtained and the results dishearten the student. Especially during pre-boards because the level of the Pre-Board question paper as well as the marking is pretty tough. In such times students must stay positive. Take help from teachers, wherever required, learn from the mistakes committed and be more prepared to appear for the final exams.
Get creative with your study routines. Instead of following a path described by others, make one of your own. Decide the sequence of the chapters as per the Board marking scheme, and choose the subjects depending upon the attention that particular subject requires. Sketch out a time table spreading over span of time carefully to cover the entire syllabus. Refer to ‘Together with’ series of best reference books for 2024 Board exam preparation.
For Board exams it’s said that spending 10-12 hours on your studies is a wise decision. However, spending hours isn’t just enough, how you utilize the time is what makes the difference. Go through NCERT Textbooks, once done, quickly move towards practicing the best reference books. ‘Together with’ Fully Solved Question Bank provides chapter wise Mind Maps, Topic wise questions with solutions highlighting the key points. Practice Question banks for better results in the annual examination.
With no experience of hands on practice to the Sample Papers & Mock Test Papers, the students may feel the jitters after looking at the final question paper. Usually students complain of going blank in the examination hall & find it difficult to answers the questions. ‘Together with’ reference books for 2024 Examination provides full course time based exams that help in developing stronger awareness of the examination pattern and marking scheme. To avoid such a situation from happening, practice as many Mock Test Papers as possible.
Spending hours memorizing the content bit by bit won’t do the job at all. Knowledge about basic fundamentals is much required to form a firm ground for conceptual understanding. Having a weaker foundational base will definitely prove to be problematic in attempting the questions in examination hall.
‘Together with’ books for Grades 9 to 12 is each learner’s go to, one stop solution as it caters to all exam needs. For CBSE Board exam preparation Rachna Sagar has released series of reference books including CBSE Question Bank, Previous 10+ Years’ Solved Question Papers, ‘Together with’ 15+1 CBSE Sample Papers (EAD) & CBSE Pariksha Pre-Board Papers. All the books can be attempted in a sequential format after carefully sketching out a plan for the same to get excellent results in Board exams 2024. Visit our official website for more information.
All the best!