Do you know how to score full marks in the Physics CBSE board exam for class 12? Follow these simple rules!

POSTED ON September 07, 2020 BY Rachna Sagar

The subject of Physics holds great importance in class 12 as future chemists, engineers, computer scientists, and practitioners of the physical and biomedical sciences emerge from here itself. Though the subject of Physics is quite tricky, a good Physics Study Material for Class 12 and the below-given rules will help you to perform wonderfully in this exam.

1. Confirm the updated CBSE syllabus

As for this year, CBSE has announced a reduced syllabus for all classes/subjects, your first homework should be to get the updated syllabus for Physics class 12, read it thoroughly and check the maximum marks each chapter will hold.

2. Pick up the important topics

Some topics like electrostatics, current electricity, electromagnetic waves, and optics carry more marks as compared to other topics in the book. To know and grasp such important topics of the subject, get a Class 12 Physics Study Material, wherein, you will find all important topics highlighted or mentioned at the beginning of each chapter. Give ample time to comprehend important concepts and learn them by heart before moving on to the other less important ones.

3. Grasp the logic behind derivations

Physics is all about understanding various derivations. Knowing how each step results in the other in derivations is very important to score well in the exam. Here, buying a good CBSE Physics Study Material for Class 12 is a must if your dreams are high in this stream.

4. Numericals are equally important

To give a good practice to the numerical questions is equally important to score well in the exam. Ample practice to numerical problems can be given only when you are following a good Class 12 Physics Study Material. So, get one for yourself. 

5. Pictorial/Graphical illustrations

Supplementing physics answers with pictorial or graphical illustrations always works well in the exam. Not only does it gives a good impression, but it also boosts your overall percentage as well.

6. Refer to additional study material

Not just textbooks, but Class 12 Physics Study Material is important too. A relevant study material supplements your learning while doing exam preparation. Physics Study Material for Class 12 carries several useful examples, illustrations, questions, and other reference material, all of which are important from the exam’s point of view.

7. Refer to the class notes

Along with referring to a well-grounded Physics Study Material for Class 12, referring to your classroom notes will give you a better understanding of each and every concept. Likewise, if your subject teacher asks you to highlight some sections in the textbook, do so and do refer to them later on while doing exam preparations.

8. Solved sample question papers

The more you practice, the better your writing skills are. Referring to the last 5 solved sample question papers will give you a clear picture of the CBSE exam pattern that is, how questions are set, and what kind of questions are likely to come. This way, you are in a better position to write your paper.

9. Develop the skill of time management

The clock ticking cannot be ignored in exams. Time management helps in tacking the crunch of time while writing exam papers. Solving question papers given with a CBSE Physics Study Material for Class 12 will give you more power to manage time in the physics board exam.

10. Answer presentation

You know the answer, but don’t know how to write it well. Well, it is of no use then. No examiner wishes to check a messy answer sheet. So, make sure that whatever you write in the exam, you have presented it well by ensuring neatness, underlining important terms, giving proper headings, etc.

If you adhere to these guidelines earnestly, practice through CBSE Physics Study Material for Class 12 and follow a positive attitude, you will clear the exam with flying colors for sure!

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