How to do strategized preparation of Class 12 CBSE Chemistry Board Exam 2023

POSTED ON December 15, 2022 BY Rachna Sagar

Class 12 CBSE Chemistry exams are quintessential part of a student’s life. This can’t be compromised at any cost. Exam stress is common among students still easing out on too much pressure is essential at the same time.

For that it is very important to make a study schedule and execute the same without any failure. Schedules must be made keeping in mind the strengths and weaknesses of the student. Strategized preparation for the Class 12 CBSE Chemistry Board Exam 2023 would surely do the best to the learners. As far as studies are concerned, students are advised to study without getting under any pressure. The more pressure one feels, the more mistakes a person is likely to commit. Start practicing from CBSE Sample Papers to excel in 2023 exams. ‘Together with’ 15+1 CBSE Sample Papers (EAD) for Chemistry is the best CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12. Students are advised to solve as many sample papers as they can. The more you practice, the more strengthened conceptual learning you will attain. By doing so, the exam stress would be eased out.

Chemistry is the study of science that deals with properties, composition, and structure of elements. It covers the elements that make up matter to the compounds made of atoms, molecules and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances. Hence, it’s a subject that demands extreme concentration to grasp the concepts.

  1. Wide span of knowledge: Keep yourself updated with the syllabus, CBSE Marking Scheme and the latest pattern of questions, so that you can match your preparation status. This will leave you more confident & would be helpful in achieving better results.
  • Difficult to Easy: Focus on the difficult chapters first or the ones you are totally unaware of. Engage yourself in the target based learning and reward yourself on hitting target every time. This will mentally prepare you and will leave you more confident to complete the easier ones more quickly.
  • Weightage is everything: Yes, the Chapter-wise weightage is everything. As more questions are likely to appear from the chapters with high weightage. Focus on the learning, also focus on the marks it holds. As spending more time on the chapters with less weightage isn’t surely a wise decision.
  • Best Practice Material: Once you are done with the NCERT Textbooks, start practicing from ‘Together with’ 15+1 CBSE Sample Papers (EAD) for Chemistry, ranked as the best CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12. It includes Solved Sample Papers based on Easy, Average & Difficult levels of questions, 5 Pre Board Papers and a Mock Test Papers to practice, and that’s a key to success.
  • End up to the best results: Pave the way toExcellent Results.Practicing the Sample Question Papers yield great results in Class 12 CBSE Chemistry Board Exam 2023. As an addition, ‘Together with’ CBSE Question Bank, Previous Years’ Question Papers (PYQs) before practicing the Sample Question Papers would end up to the best results in CBSE Board Exams 2022-23.

Besides the above mentioned points, students must maintain a healthy lifestyle and learn to manage under high pressure conditions to avoid any hindrances in their studies. Maintaining a Proper sleep schedule and eating healthy is highly advised. At last completing the syllabus before time and getting much time for revision would surely bring you results above the expectations.

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