Inflate your learning Rate of Board Exams: CBSE Together with Study Material for Term 2

POSTED ON December 17, 2021 BY Rachna Sagar

Books have always been a friend to a student. Getting a true one is obviously cherry on the cake. From a child’s perspective, all subjects are difficult, all books are same. But the best one is which brings the most authentic content with the learner centered approach. CBSE changed the Exam pattern of Class 12, left the students, teachers and parents wandering for the best/appropriate learning equipment, be it a CBSE Together with Study Study Material, Question Bank or a Practice Book. Board Exams have always been a matter of concern not just for the students but also for the teachers and family. Whereas, the Term-based Board Exams turned the table upside down. Having board exams twice an academic year was bit different for the students.

Which is the best and authentic Study Material?

Rachna Sagar Publications has always been at the forefront and ensured bringing the best CBSE Together with books to the students. With the change in the CBSE exam pattern, NCERT books have been updated as per the Latest CBSE Syllabus and the changes have been forwarded to this book. Maintaining the supremacy Term 2 CBSE Study Material for Class 12 has been released for the students at the appropriate time benefiting them to the maximum in terms of marks & knowledge. The book has been authored by Subject experts having exhaustive coverage of the concepts of the CBSE Term 2 Syllabus. However Term 1 is finally done, so it’s time to Headway to CBSE Term 2 Board Exam with utmost confidence by preparing Together with Study Material for Class 12. We believe in making learning fun as merely rote learning is no solution. Learning takes place at every step: We Hear, we forget; we See, we may remember but when we do, we understand. Abstract conceptualization works on the same scenario as we learn when we understand.

What are the key features of Together with Books?

Considering the fact this book has evolved with numerous questions of new typologies of Term 2 exams, including Objective Type Question Bank, Subjective Type Question Bank, NCERT in text Questions, Assess Yourself Questions, Practice Questions for Class 12 with answers. Together with Study Material also encompasses 3 Practice Papers with answers to provide exhaustive drilling into the examination pattern. The interesting feature of these Practice Papers is that they are designed on Time Management Skills as suggested by the CBSE to master the subject ensuring the best Practice for Class 12 Board Exams. This book has been studded with all the Gems entitling it to be crowned as the best CBSE Study Material containing the biggest Question Bank for Class 12. Revise thoroughly all you learn as Key to Success lies in the good time management while maintaining speed and accuracy.

What changes will Together with Books bring in your life?

We hope that the exemplary/unique features of our Together with Study Material for Class 12 meet all the learning requirements of the students appearing for CBSE Term 2 Board Exams 2022.

Wish you all get tickled pink by your CBSE Term 1 Exam Results!

Grab your copy of CBSE Together with Study Material, highly recommended books to set your foot towards the journey of scoring 100% marks in Term 2 Board Exams.

Good Luck!!!

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