'Together with' Phygital Editions for Holistic Learning via Physical Textbooks and Digital Resources

POSTED ON December 01, 2023 BY Rachna Sagar

‘Together with’ Phygital Editions as per NEP 2020 & NCF 2023 has been released by Rachna Sagar for Classes A-8 for Session 2024-25 to collaborate digital learning resources with textbook based learning. Complying with the NEP as well as NCF 2023 guidelines, the Phygital edition of ‘Together with’ series of books integrates Digital Experiences with Physical Elements of Learning to provide an immersive learning experience to the students.   

“Something that has never happened before.”

By integrating digital assistance with physical text-book Rachna Sagar is again standing tall in all aspects of providing quality education for primary classes. It has introduced advance online learning resources to build technology enriched classrooms. Digital resources prompts the kids to utilize basic abilities and make logical decisions hence evolving them as active learners.

‘Together with’ Phygital Editions for Classes A-8 for Session 2024-25 includes:

  1. TRMs: Teacher Resource Manuals with detailed lesson plan, Puppets, Motivational Stickers, Classroom Charts, Educational Games
  2. TLM for physical & play based pedagogy for classroom arrangement: Educational Games, Story Book of Alphabets, Stickers, Subject Charts & Calendars, Picture Dictionary, Writing Worksheets, Creative Work, and Fun Time
  3. Competency based Evaluation: Listening texts Project Work & Activities emphasizing on development of Writing and Vocabulary skills 
  4. 2 Practice Question Papers
  5. 4 Listening & Speaking Assessments
  6. Web support presented in form of digital modification material
  7. Videos supporting the text book material
  8. Word meaning 
  9. Grammar
  10. Creative stories
  11. Flip book

Following are the Top 5 benefits of blended learning proffered by Phygital edition books by Rachna Sagar for Nursery to Grade 8:

Memorization & Understanding

Bringing digital learning to school promotes a continuous process of learning, ensuring the perfect fusion of books & app based learning. The classroom method encourages understanding by learning and receives a boost when a digital platform supports the recapitulation of the same.

Unique Teaching-Learning approach

With this impeccable teaching learning approach, students head towards Academically Advance level with help of an independent mode of learning. Appropriate TLMs are included in the Phygital Edition for effective learning. Five Fold development comprising Physical, Life Energy, Emotional/Mental, Intellectual and Spiritual are ensured via various activities and exercises while exploring the curriculum with imagination and logical-analytical reasoning. Digital Assistance for customized & engaging study hours  

‘Together with’ Phygital Edition Books for Nursery to Grade 8 are the perfect fusion of traditional method of learning along with the best digital assistance for extended support to ensure technologically enriched classrooms. Additionally, balanced Physical books for course material and Digital tools in the form of videos, animated gifs, pdfs etc. ensures next level learning experience.

Different Platforms with multi-dimensional uses

Gowebrachnasagar- To access the answers of the textbooks in PDF Format; Test Generator- To help the teachers in generating assessments, Web Support- To watch the Animated Chapters, QR Codes- To scan and enjoy the Animated videos, audios, interactive exercises and Rachna Sagar Augmented Reality (RSAR) App to watch chapter-based downloadable videos.

Strengthens Imaginative Work & Sensory Receptions

Classroom learning emphasizes on making the students dependent on their own understanding & ability to analyze the lessons being taught. While the digital resources allow the learners to explore the limitless horizons of learning that too as per their own pace. Building Analytical-Logical Reasoning among students is the need of the hour. Thus, above affirmations prove that learning via fusion of books and latest tools & technology is an efficient way to educate young learners.  An extension of the proposed curriculum for Primary Classes available in digital format with online learning tools provides 24*7 Digital Assistance

Available on our official website www.rachnasagra.in for all subjects for Nursery to Class 8.

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