Top 5 Advantages of ‘Together with’ CBSE Sample Papers for Term 2 Exam Preparation

POSTED ON February 28, 2022 BY Rachna Sagar

Recall the time when you appeared for the Board Exams and entered the Examination hall for the first time. Being prepared is imperative to stay focused and achieve the academic milestones, an individual aims for.‘Together with’ CBSE Sample Papers

“A goal without a plan is just a wish”.

Wishes rarely get fulfilled until we do not open the windows of Planning. 

The competition is fiercely growing and staying ahead requires smart planning. Though it is required at every step in life and it becomes more important when it comes to Academics. Learning should be done in a Qualitative yet Quantitative manner. Learn as much as you can and make sure quality doesn’t get compromised.

The next step towards reaching your Learning Aim is to practice what you have learnt so far.

The Questions which arise now are: HOW, From WHERE & WHEN?

How: Learn & Practice.

There is a renowned quote:

Don’t Practice till you are right, Practice until you get yourself wrong.

From WHERE:  Solving‘Together with’ CBSE Sample Papers is a smarter way to try your hands at to excel in CBSE Board Exams 2022.

WHEN: The best time to practice is when you are done with the preparation of all the concepts of CBSE Term 2 syllabus for Board Exams which will commence from 26thApril, 2022.

As already discussed about the footprints to be walked upon to Score the best in upcoming exams of the Academic Session 2021-2022. Let’s move ahead in search of the best Practice Material for assessment of our Knowledge.

What comes to your mind, when you hear the word the ‘Best Practice Material’ for Class 10 & 12? Having the market stuffed with ample of options available around, ‘Together with’ CBSE Sample Papers, needs to be put at Rest.’

With our bag full of questions and thoughts, let’s look at the advantages of practicing from ‘Together with’ CBSE EAD Sample Papers for Term 2 Board Exams 2022 that makes it stand out alone in the options around: 

1. To Stay Updated: Exam question patterns keep changing and a student has to be prepared to answer the questions based on the new typologies. Anxiety is common during exam times and this anxiety can grow manifolds if you are uncertain about what types of questions could appear in the CBSE Term 2 exam. EAD Sample Papers make you aware of the latest question patterns as per the guidelines issued by CBSE.

Having a fair share of knowledge about the kind of questions that could be asked in examinations reduces the stress and exam fear to a great extent.

2. To Track Performance: Solving ‘Together with’ Sample Papers is an excellent way to self-assess your performance before appearing for the Term 2 exams. CBSE Sample Papers provided as per Easy, Average and Difficult levels, followed by 3 Pre-Board Papers. The more problems you solve, the more prepared you will feel. A learner also gets an understanding of what his/her strengths are and which areas he/she need to work on more.

It makes a learner acquainted with the concepts that are more frequently asked through CBSE Sample papers. This enable us to track the performance better if the sample papers are attempted regularly. As attempting the Sample Paper in a sequential form, helps you to gauge your exam readiness.

3. To Increase Efficiency: Hard work pays off better when it is done in the right direction. As there are so many concepts, theories, and formulas, etc., it is not feasible to master everything in a short period of preparation time. Once you start working on the practice of ‘Together with’ Sample Papers, a better understanding of the exam pattern could be achieved and planning the preparation is Cherry on the cake- the cake of Success. This will not only improve your performance and will also make you more efficient learner.

4. To Understand the Marking Scheme: Once you get your hands on practice Sample papers, you will become familiar with the marking scheme and also the weightage of important topics in the exam. This will help you to be better organized in your preparation and the concepts on which you need to pay more heed to and hence will fetch more marks.

By practicing CBSE Sample papers, for whichever subject or class you’re preparing, you’ll know which question will be of more marks and how can you grab those marks. 

5. For Better Revision: What is better than once? Twice! And what if you get all THRICE & an addition too!!! Yes, you heard it right. EAD Sample Papers comprises 3 Sample papers each for Easy, Average and Difficult levels, also 3 Pre-Board Papers to give you experience of Term 2 Board Exams. While preparing for exams Recapitulation helps the most. Studying something once may help us to understand the concepts, revising it again helps us to remember them better. The more you revise, the better your chances are to score well in exams. Statistics prove that those who spend enough time in revision perform better in exams compared to those who don’t. Solving the Mock Paper at the end, helps in a comprehensive revision of everything you have studied. It is the last bud you were waiting to BLOSSOM.

Rachna Sagar’s recently released ‘Together with’ EAD Sample Papers for Class 10 & Class 12 for Term 2 are available for all subjects. 

Reach us on to view the insights.

Wish you all get success with Flying Colors in your Exams.

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