CUET Online Portal launched By Rachna Sagar Pvt. Ltd. is an aptplatformto prepare for Common University...
CUET Online Portal launched By Rachna Sagar Pvt. Ltd. is an aptplatformto prepare for Common University Entrance Exam, UG 2024 which is a single window of opportunity for students seeking the admissions in various undergraduate courses. As a part of the process, now students need to appear for a single yet one of the biggest national level entrance test, instead of appearing for the number of entrance tests for admissions into the various universities. However, it is totally dependent on the Universities if they wish to set up additional criteria to give admissions to the students. In case of a tie, a merit list can be made by considering the Class 12 board exam marks along with the CUET Scores 2024.
CUET has reduced the burden on candidates and universities uniformly. It has lessened the burden on students facing a cut in the marks due to the change of stream. In addition to that, now students have the opportunity to apply for the undergraduate courses of their choice. CUET has also made the admission process easier by making the merit lists public. After the release of the official list is released, the universities can hold counseling rounds till the time seats are filled, as per the applications received. The exam scores obtained by the student can be used for taking admission to any of the participating universities.
Students must adopt an active approach to preparing for the competitive exam. They must make an attempt to practice as many questions and CUET Mock Tests as possible before appearing for the National level entrance exam 2024. Along with the physical books of CUET Question Banks UG 2024, Rachna Sagar has launched the revised version of Online Portal to prepare for UG 2024 entrance test Designed as per latest exam pattern includes Chapter-wise Practice Questions for in-depth learning. CUET Online Portal offers over 35k+ Questions to practice comprising 22 subjects covering all 3 sections of CUET Exam. The questions are divided on the basis of chapters and topics as per the bifurcations present in the syllabus of NCERT Text Books. Therefore the student can prepare for the exams on the basis of chapters from the books & on the online portal as well via
The user friendly interface of the portal ensures easy access to the digital resources for better preparation. The e-learning platform offers a self-generated Question Paper, and CUET Practice sets as per the subjects. Mock Tests with defined time limits have been provided to the students for practice. Register Now on