Top tips and tricks to attempt the NTA CUET UG 2023 Entrance Exam

POSTED ON May 19, 2023 BY Rachna Sagar

The CUET Exam is fast approaching. Here are some tips and tricks that you might have left out. At the time of entrance exam hovering over heads, give a final punch to the intense practice sessions, before you finally sit for the exam. The students must be thorough with NTA CUET UG 2023 exam pattern. They must know exactly what all is supposed to be asked in the exam. The students should be well aware of the time allotted for each section and must adhere to it strictly.

Take a note of previous years’ cut off lists and see how far the ranks have gone in colleges of your choice. Prior knowledge of the competition is necessary to make an informed decision about the levels, up to which the student needs to prepare. Research for the best CUET Study Material is mandatory to achieve the best results. For the Aspirants, Rachna Sagar has come up with NTA CUET UG 2023 Books for Section I, II and III. Fully Solved Question Bank for all the three sections allow the students to practice with assured accuracy. Students who wish to prepare for the CUET Exam in online mode of learning may begin their preparation from our online portal as well, which offers Self-Generated tests, Practice Papers, Mock Test Papers and Chapter wise Online Mock test etc.

For Section-IA, English the student can practice from ‘Together with’ Question bank for section IA. The book provides questions on reading comprehension, aptitude and vocabulary. For Section II, Domain Specific Subjects, students must build a strong conceptual base by going through the NCERT Textbooks thoroughly. Going beyond the books won’t be necessary as the students will be tested on knowledge as per the NCERT Syllabus only. Alter that, practicing ‘Together with’ CUET Question Banks ensures the best preparation. For Section III, the students are to develop General Mathematical Aptitude, via preparing Current Affairs, General Knowledge- Arts, Awards, Books, Science, History, Economy, Inventions , Sports etc. , Logical & Analytical Reasoning- Number, Pattern, Coding etc. , Quantitative Reasoning- Probability, Percentage, Ratio, Time, Average, S.I./C.I. etc. are something you need to be prepared with. Get into a habit of reading newspapers every day to deal with questions on Current Affairs.

Grab the copies of ‘Together with’ CUET Question Banks with Solved Sample Papers, Previous Year

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