Top most important tips to complete CBSE Mathematics Board Exam in time

POSTED ON February 17, 2023 BY Rachna Sagar

Mathematics is basically the study of numbers, quantities or shapes. It is the most feared yet scoring subject for students. The intensity of thoughts get multiplied when it comes to CBSE Mathematics Board Exam. Just know the best trick to solve the questions and see the exam stress vanishing in seconds. For those who find Mathematics, as a challenging subject, it’s nightmarish to sit for a 3 hour Board Exam. Mathematics is all about practice to get best scores in the exams. No cramming with lots of understanding is the SUCCESS MANTRA for CBSE Mathematics Exams.

"Success Ladder also needs successive steps.”

Here, we’re bringing the steps for you to reach to the Top Ranks:

Step 1: Jot down all NCERT Formulae, Theorems and Methods.

Step 2: Go through the solved NCERT Exemplar Problems, you can refer ‘Together with’ CBSE Question Bank Mathematics Class 12 & Class 10.

Step 3: Practice as much as you can. Previous Year Questions, Practice Papers, Mock Test Papers everything. CBSE Previous Years’ Question Bank Mathematics is the right fit for you.

Step 4: ‘Together with’ 15+1 CBSE Sample Paper includes best Sample Question Papers Mathematics for Mathematics exam preparation

Step 5: Final Punch to CBSE Pariksha Pre-Board Papers & you’re are all set to go.


With preparation, you need to attempt CBSE Mathematics Board exam 2023 in delineated time period. Anxiousness & Distractions would take you nowhere other than mistakes, so stay focused especially to the weightage of question. So, here we are with some informative tips to complete Mathematics Board Exam on time.

1. Go through the entire question paper carefully. Read and identify the type of problem.

2. Look for the probable patterns or methods by which you can solve that problem, focus on weightage primarily.

3. Figure out the most suitable formula to be applied to solve the problem.

4. Solve the problem. Keep an eye on watch and keep a constant track of time.

“Hurry could bring Worry.

” Don’t hurry, take your time to avoid committing any mistake. Pre- plan your entire examination paper in a way that you can attempt the entire paper as well as get some time to go through it once and give a Last reading to the entire answer sheet.

A question may hold less marks, still could include more steps, work accordingly. If the question seems tough, leave the space and attempt it at last. Don’t get stuck on a particular question as that would cause you loss of time.

Mathematics is a subject of rigorous practice. If your preparation is crisp, you will never ever encounter trouble while attempting the paper. For demarcating the completion of your preparation strategy, a student can attempt ‘Together with’ EAD Sample Papers with sealed Mock Test Paper, ‘Together with’ Previous Years’ Question Papers etc. For making yourself used to answering a question paper, a student can attempt ‘Together with’ CBSE Pariksha Pre Board Papers. The results says the tale of your efforts. Make it count.

All the Best!

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