What is the best way to make an effective use of preparatory leaves during Exams?

POSTED ON February 23, 2023 BY Rachna Sagar

CBSE has proclaimed the latest exam pattern for Board Exams. Effective use of preparatory The exams have already been started and the students are provided with adequate preparatory leaves, considering the requirements of the subject. Scheduling the date sheet for CBSE Board Exams for the subjects of different streams is actually an ardent task. While preparing date sheet, number of exam combinations are to be made to avoid the clash of exam dates & subjects (stream-wise). What is the best way to make leaves during Exams? Practice through Solved Sample Papers 2023, ‘Together with’ Question Banks/Study Material for exam preparation. The preparatory leaves given to the student, must be fully utilized to have no regrets later.

  1. Order is Ineluctable

Maintain order in every possible way. Orderly organized schedule will get you on time results. A student must jot down Notes, Important Terms & Concepts to be revised and Important Questions must be revised before the exam. Effective use of preparatory Keep Previous Years’ Papers within reach. A student can attempt ‘Together with’ Previous Years’ Papers for panoramic study.

“For Inexorable Success, choose Smart Work.”

  • Take one day at a time

We usually get more than one day though! Still, if you have one day and you schedule it wisely. Those 24 hours will be enough then. For longer preparatory leaves try to establish a connection between ‘I don’t have to procrastinate’ and ‘only working will help’. You should opt for as many reference books or CBSE Sample Papers 2023 as you can.

  • Maintain Proper Sleep and Eating Schedule

It’s a proven fact that it is beneficial for the body. Eating and sleeping properly is going to help maintain the daily regime, avoiding any disturbance to the body that could later result in health related issues. Forty winks could be relaxing but proper sleep of 6-7 hours should be the cynosure. Proper focus to eating habits keeps the mind refresh.

4. Study only for the Upcoming Exam

“Perception or Misconception”

Students have a perception, no they’ve a misconception that the usage of preparatory leaves given for easier subjects could be diverted to other subject. Never, Ever do this! Give adequate efforts to each subject. English or Hindi is usually a subject when preparation happens only a day before. Preparation time gets reflected in the scores obtained by you. Hence, make optimum utilization of the days provided. Read newspapers, stay updated with trendy topics and authentic facts around. This will add to learning treasure too.

 Let’s wrap up with the advice to maximize the efficiency of your efforts so far. Make sure you are fully prepared and subsequently score best marks in CBSE Board Exams 2023. You might discover things you haven’t even noticed throughout the year, so:

“Aim for perfection & Study to Excel.”

All the best for the Exams !

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